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10.849 Tb/s
12.724 Tb/s
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Remote Peering

AMS-IX Remote Peering service allows you to connect with our extensive network ecosystem from anywhere in the world via our resellers. You can exchange traffic through a single remote private connection, eliminating the need for physical presence at one of the AMS-IX datacenters.

How it works

In today's evolving digital landscape, remote peering stands out as a solution for global connectivity challenges. Remote peering allows networks to virtually expand their reach.

You can connect via one of our trusted partners from more than 800+ data centres worldwide. There is no need to pop one of AMS-IX data centres or invest in new equipment.

Traditionally, connecting directly to an IX required substantial investments in infrastructure and logistics, posing barriers for networks, especially those across continents. Remote peering has revolutionised this, significantly lowering geographical and financial hurdles.

By connecting via our remote peering service, you become part of the international AMS-IX community. This connection allows you to peer with both local and international networks as if you were physically located at the AMS-IX Internet Exchange.

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Benefits of Remote Peering

Global Access

Connect remotely from 800+ Data Centres globally.

Increased Network Reach

Expand your network's footprint globally.

Reduced Latency

Traffic is routed efficiently, ensuring the fastest possible path.


Flexible solution adapting to your evolving bandwidth and connectivity needs.

Unique Digital Content Ecosystem

Access to a diverse array of content and services, from exclusive digital media to innovative tech solutions.

Reduced Connectivity Costs

No investment in extra hardware needed


What is the difference between local and remote peering?

Peering allows workloads from one internet exchange member to pass on to another member's network. This minimizes latency, improving the end user experience. Multiple forms of peering are available, such as local and remote peering. In this blog post we compare both options, and explore which form of peering is most suitable for your organization.


Tell us more about your requirements and we will provide you with a quote.


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