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EuroISPA elects new Officers


Alex de Joode

Alex de Joode

Regulatory, Risk, Compliance

29 November 2022

EuroISPA has announced the appointment of new Officers following an election held during the General Meeting on November 24th and 25th in Brussels. EuroISPA is the world's largest association of Internet Services Providers Associations, representing over 3,300 Internet Services Providers (ISPs) across the EU and EFTA countries. After two years of dedicated work, two of the former Officers have stepped down. New Officers have been elected following a vote by the EuroISPA members. Elina Ussa and I will share the Presidency mandate, serving one year each, Michel Combot will join as Vice-President, and Thomas Bihlmayer is to continue as Treasurer.

The final General Meeting of 2022 gathered members in person at EuroISPA’s office in Brussels. The two-day programme Committee meetings, general administration and updates about the Association, as well as the election of the new Officers. EuroISPA welcomed contributions by guest speakers, including representatives from the European Commission and the Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU.

On behalf of the board, I would like to thank Alexandra Lafitte for her guidance and leadership of EuroISPA in engaging with the EU and international institutions. We also would like to thank Innogenzo Genna, for his strong contributions to the organisation and its impact on policy issues including data protection, cybersecurity, and intermediary liability.

We believe that a diversity of Board members will bring fresh energy to the Association. The renewed board brings new expertise to EuroISPA from different domestic legal cultures and experiences, as well as management experience, as two of the new board members run two member associations themselves. In order to retain some continuity, Thomas Bihlmayer stays on as Treasurer and I pick up the role as President after a 2 year hiatus. I’m looking forward to engage with the EU on various policy dossiers as President, but also in my capacity of Chair of the Safer Internet Committee to ensure there is an effective CSAM regulation that builds towards an open and free internet in Europe.


About EuroISPA

Established in 1997, EuroISPA is the world's largest association of Internet Services Providers Associations, representing over 3,300 Internet Services Providers (ISPs) across the EU and EFTA countries. EuroISPA is recognised as the voice of the European ISP industry, reflecting the views of ISPs of all sizes from across its member base.

>> Read the full press release

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