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Website Event Image Hong Kong 2

Promotional Offer: Amsterdam - Hong Kong


Onno Bos

Onno Bos

Partnership Director

February 5, 2021

The Asian market is growing very fast, making it ever more important for our customers and members to have good connectivity with Asia. To support our community in this regard, we have a promotional offer for AMS-IX Amsterdam customers and members who want to make use of our exchange in Hong Kong.

If you are already connected or would like to connect to our exchange in Amsterdam, you can connect to AMS-IX Hong Kong over your port in Amsterdam by activating a V-Link to our partner HGC. The transport between Amsterdam and Hong Kong as well as a 250 Mbps connection in AMS-IX Hong Kong will be free of charge for the first 12 months.

Connecting to AMS-IX Hong Kong gives you direct access to local ISPs, CDNs, carriers and cloud providers, which will significantly enhance the quality of the digital experience of your end-users. If you'd like to test the impact of a direct bridge to Asia, this special offer is made for you.

This promotion also works the other way around. If you are connected or want to connect to AMS-IX Hong Kong and want to enhance your connectivity in Europe, you can get free transport and a free 250 Mbps connection in Amsterdam for the first year.


Note: this offer is valid until the end of June 2021.

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