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36.85 Gb/s
82.39 Gb/s

Total stats

Total statistics

Below are the daily, monthly and yearly traffic stats of the AMS-IX Singapore platform.

Daily stats

Daily traffic statistics.

Total Daily

  • Peak in
    73.38 Gb/s
  • Peak out
    73.61 Gb/s
  • Average in
    41.51 Gb/s
  • Average out
    41.52 Gb/s
  • Current in
    37.32 Gb/s
  • Current out
    37.4 Gb/s

Monthly stats

Monthly traffic statistics.

Total Monthly

  • Peak in
    82.39 Gb/s
  • Peak out
    82.31 Gb/s
  • Average in
    17.15 Gb/s
  • Average out
    17.15 Gb/s
  • Current in
    44.35 Gb/s
  • Current out
    44.35 Gb/s

Yearly stats

Yearly traffic statistics.

Total Yearly

  • Peak in
    82.39 Gb/s
  • Peak out
    82.31 Gb/s
  • Average in
    10.32 Gb/s
  • Average out
    10.32 Gb/s
  • Current in
    42.95 Gb/s
  • Current out
    42.96 Gb/s

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