

  • Platform
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  • About
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Who we are

AMS-IX is a neutral member-based association that operates multiple interconnection platforms around the world. Our leading platform in Amsterdam has been playing a crucial role at the core of the internet for nearly 30 years and is one of the largest hubs for internet traffic in the world. Connecting to AMS-IX ensures customers such as internet service providers, telecom companies and cloud providers that their global IP traffic is routed in an efficient, fast, secure, stable and cost-effective way. This allows them to offer low latency and engaging online experiences for end-users.

Our story

AMS-IX stands for Amsterdam Internet Exchange. Amsterdam is where it all started, over 25 years ago. Since then, we grew to global leadership, expanding our footprint and service offerings to other locations worldwide. Even though we operate internationally today, we'll never forget where we come from: AMS-IX is our birth name and we wear it with pride.


AMS-IX organisation structure

AMS-IX consists of two separate legal entities: the AMS-IX Association and the AMS-IX Limited Company. The AMS-IX Association is the single shareholder of the Limited Company and the organisation and its staff are incorporated in the Company. The Executive Board of the Association consists of five people and also acts as the Supervisory Board of the Company.

AMS-IX bodies AssociationCorporation
Meeting acts asGeneral AssemblyShareholders meeting
Board acts asExecutive BoardSupervisory Board
Management acts asManagement


Would you like to become a member of the AMS-IX Association? This is possible unless you connect via a reseller. All you have to do is agree with AMS-IX Articles of Association. The membership is free of charges and allows you to:

  • Attend AMS-IX General Meeting and vote on a number of items (e.g. Annual Accounts, Long Term Commercial Strategy, Board elections).
  • Be nominated for the AMS-IX Board.

What is an Internet Exchange

AMS-IX is a member of the European Internet Exchange Association (Euro-IX). If you'd like to know more about peering and the role of internet exchanges, watch this short video.