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2019 AMS-IX Annual Survey: customer satisfaction remains high




April 30, 2020

Every year we ask feedback from our members regarding the quality of our services, platform and communications in the year prior. We are very happy to share that the overall satisfaction remains high with a rate of 4,52 (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being low and 5 being high).

Customers and members were particularly happy with the support they received from NOC (score of 4.36) and Customer Service (score of 4.34). Other customer-facing departments like Sales and Finance also received high satisfaction scores (always above 4).

The number of connected parties (879 at the end of 2019) is by far the most important reason why organisations connect to our platform. Our geographical location, the types of connected parties, our neutrality and low latency are also mentioned as important reasons to connect to AMS-IX.

Customer Service


To summarise, our members and customers continue to express a positive attitude about AMS-IX. We are, once again, very proud and promise to strive for the best when it comes to dealing for with our members and customers in 2020.

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